If you are finding there is too much or too little bass on your Evo One, we would suggest experimenting with the audio settings in the app and speaker placement.
1. Ensure the Evo One isn't too close to the nearest wall or object.
We would also suggest adjusting your speaker placement settings in the StreamMagic app, by following the steps in this FAQ.
2. Experiment with the Room Compensation settings
This can be done in the StreamMagic app, by following the steps in this FAQ.
3. Adjust the EQ settings
This can be done in the StreamMagic app, by following the steps in this FAQ.
4. Ensure the Loudness setting isn't enabled when playing at moderate to higher listening levels
The Loudness setting is only intended to be used when playing at a lower volume. More information on the Loudness setting can be found in this FAQ.
5. Ensure any connected audio source has been connected properly and securely
6. Try a factory reset on the Evo One
The steps for a reset are shown in the FAQ here.