It is possible that during a firmware update or audio mode switch, that you will encounter certain error codes that will prevent you from proceeding with your update. These are RF (radio frequency) communication errors that cannot be fixed via firmware. It is very important to remain on the update page throughout the process until you see the button ‘Return to Hub’.
If you encounter an update fail, select ‘Try Again’ when prompted to. If after a few attempts no progress is made it may be necessary to reset the app. This can be done by hard-closing the app, then opening it again. You will see the update message when returning to the Hub page, allow the update to begin again.
Should the above troubleshoot fail, follow these steps:
1. Hard-close the app once again.
2. Put both earphones back into the charging case to allow auto-power off.
3. Remove both earphones to allow auto-power on.
4. Your Melomania earphones will automatically connect to your device again.
5. Open the Melomania App.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update.
PLEASE NOTE: The current version of your Melomania earphones can be seen at the bottom of the screen on the ‘More’ and ‘Settings’ tabs.